Statistik Pengunjung

Kamis, 25 Juli 2013

Fayde Skills Build by Arthur

FAYDE GUIDE by Arthur !!!

Gypsy Fayde




Type: Magic - Target: Self Position; Organic Enemy Units
Fayde swings her scythe in a wide arc, dealing heavy damage to enemies while the darkness in its wake either destoys their mana instantly or stuns them.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Effect
Mana Cost 100 110 120 130 All enemies in the radius take 100/160/220/280 Magic damage. Destroys 7/14/21/28% of an enemy hero's maximum mana. Fayde gains half of the mana burnt.
Cool Down 11 11 11 11
Range N/A N/A N/A N/A

Burning Shadows

Type: Superior Magic - Target: Target Dual
Fayde summons a wave of darkness, causing the shadows of enemy heroes hit to turn against them for a short time.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Effect
Mana Cost 85 100 115 130 Creates Burning Shadows for 800 units in the target direction. Any enemy heroes hit will have a Shadow Copy of themselves created. The Shadow Copy is uncontrollable, invulnerable, has max movespeed, and attacks only the target. The Shadow Copy will attack 1/2/3/4 times very quickly, dealing 70 Magic damage per hit.
All enemy heroes hit are stunned for 1.6/1.9/2.2/2.5 seconds
Cool Down 12 12 12 12
Range 500 500 500 500

Deep Shadows

Type: Target Position - Target: Enemy Units and Towers
Fayde summons pure blackness in a target area, causing enemies to be wary and have to slow down while Fayde feels right at home, moving faster...

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Effect
Mana Cost 75 80 85 90 Activation Target an area to summon a Deep Shadow there for 5 seconds.
Enemies in the radius have a 15 / 20 / 25 / 30% Movespeed Slow applied to them while Fayde's Movespeed is increased by 15 / 20 / 25 / 30%.
Cool Down 10 10 10 10
Range 600 600 600 600


Ability Type N/A - Target Type Self
Fayde becomes one with the shadows, going stealth for a short time. When Fayde attacks from stealth she cripples the enemy, dealing heavy damage over a few seconds.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Effect
Mana Cost 150 175 200 Activation Applies Reflection to Fayde for 20 / 35 / 50 seconds.
Your first attack out of Invisibility inflicts 225 / 375 / 525 Magic Damage over 2 seconds. Reflection Effects 10 / 15 / 20% Movement Speed Grants 800/1000/1200 radius clearvision Unitwalking Treewalking Stealth with 0 second fade time
Cool Down 90 75 60
Range N/A N/A N/A
Radius N/A N/A N/A


Skills and Items for Fayde ::

 Skill Build

This is the standard skill build for Fayde.

Burning Shadows
Burning Shadows
Burning Shadows
Burning Shadows
Deep Shadows
Deep Shadows
Deep Shadows
Deep Shadows
17 up -
25 Stats


  • Burning Shadows is learned first to obvious reasons; this is your form of disable and can be used at early levels to help execute a bloodlust (if you are tri-laned).
  • Cull is maxed first for the mana burning effect, which is great in shutting down enemies on your lane. You may alternate Burning Shadows, depending on the situation, but it is advisable to always max Cull first.
  • Deep Shadows is given the least priority, but should be learned for emergency purposes.
  • Reflection is a no brainer, and should be always picked up everytime it is available.


Item Guide for Amun-Ra ::

Item Build

Normally, you start Fayde with this items:

Starting items

1x Logger's Hatchet
1x Iron Buckler
1x Runes of Blight
1x Wards of Sight

  • This items makes your lane presence stronger; Logger's Hatchet for last hitting, Iron Buckler to shrug off some physical damage and Runes of Blight to keep your health in check.
  • Occasionally since you will be getting the middle lane, it is suggested for you to get off a Wards of Sight to gain advantage over runes.
Pre core items

1x Logger's Hatchet
1x Iron Buckler
1x Runes of Blight
1x Wards of Sight
1x Bottle
1x Ghost Marchers
1x Blood Chalice

  • Bottle and Blood Chalice are your first priorities; this item solves mana issues early in the game.
  • Ghost Marchers is your best preference of boots for Fayde, as the boost in movement speed is significant in chasing down dying heroes or escaping tight situations.

Core items

1x Logger's Hatchet
1x Bottle
1x Ghost Marchers
1x Blood Chalice
1x Codex
1x Wards of Sight


  • Codex is your core item for Fayde, since it further more increases the amount of damage you can output in a single instance. It is a no brainer, everytime you play Fayde, this is your item of priority to build.

Luxury items

Spellshards - This is the next best thing to get after you finish your Codex. Rips off your enemies magic armor, allowing you to deal more magic damage in the process.

Shrunken Head - Grants you magic immunity for a good amount of time.

Nullstone - I barely see this, but it is a good pick up for Fayde. Enhanced regeneration and the ability to block a single targeted spell for every 20 seconds.

Behemoth's Heart - Obviously, for survivability purposes.

Portal Key - A special section for this will be discussed in the Gameplay Strategy.

Viable Attack Modifiers

Frostburn - This probably is the only best attack modifier you can pick up with Fayde. Decent stat boost, but the increase in movement speed is sweet.




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