Statistik Pengunjung

Kamis, 25 Juli 2013

Amun-Ra Skills Build by Arthur

AMUN-RA GUIDE by Arthur !!!


King Amun-Ra

Risen Amun-Ra
Phoenix Amun-Ra



Path of Destruction

ability1_128.jpg Type: Magic - Target: Target Position
Costs 15% Max Health to cast. Create a path of flames in front of you culminating in a meteor. While on the path, you may walk through anything. Enemies struck by the meteor are damaged and stunned while you gain movement speed.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Effect
Mana Cost N/A N/A N/A N/A Activation The meteor inflicts a 1 second stun and 110/180/250/320 Magic Damage on enemies. Amun-Ra is healed for 5% Max health per enemy hero impacted.
If Amun-Ra is struck by meteor, he gains 20/40/60/80 Movement Speed for 6 seconds and 5% Max Health.
Cool Down 12 11 10 9
Range 600 600 600 600


ability2_128.jpg Type: Magic - Target: Self Position
Costs 12% Max Health on impact. Amun-Ra lights himself on fire, exploding after 1.5 seconds, damaging and slowing nearby enemies.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Effect
Mana Cost N/A N/A N/A N/A Activation 1.5 seconds after use, enemies hit by the explosion receive 80/120/160/200 + 6% of Amun-Ra's Ma x Health in Magic Damage and -12/18/24/32% tapering Movement Speed for 3 seconds
Cool Down 12 10 8 6
Range N/A N/A N/A N/A

Ashes to Ashes

ability3_128.jpg Type: Passive - Target: Self Position
1/2/3/4 passive Health regeneration. Ra passively gains bonuses based on how much hero damage he's taken recently, up to:
  • 20/30/40/50 Attack Speed
  • 20/30/40/50 Magic Damage per second in a 350 AoE
One charge per 10 pre-mitigation damage.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Effect
Mana Cost N/A N/A N/A N/A Ra passively gains bonuses based on how much hero damage he's taken recently, up to:
  • 20/30/40/50 Attack Speed
  • 20/30/40/50 Damage per second in a 350 AoE
One charge per 10 pre-mitigation damage.
Every charge gets removed again after 4 seconds.
1/2/3/4 Passive Health regeneration
Cool Down N/A N/A N/A N/A
Range N/A N/A N/A N/A

Pyroclasmic Rebirth

ability4_128.jpg Ability Type Passive - Target Type Self
Requires 50% Max Mana for activation.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Effect
Mana Cost N/A N/A N/A On death, Amun-Ra will reborn with 50% Health, triggering Ignite as he spawns. He deals 10/20/30% Extra Damage for 10 seconds after respawning.
Cool Down 300 220 140
Range N/A N/A N/A
Radius 375 375 375


Guide for Amun-Ra ::

 Skill Build #1 [Lane Control Build]

Lv.1 Ashes to Ashes
Lv.2 Path of Destruction

Lv.3 Ashes to Ashes
Lv.4 Ignite
Lv.5 Ashes to Ashes
Lv.6 Pyroclasmic Rebirth
Lv.7 Ashes to Ashes
Lv.8 Path of Destruction
Lv.9 Path of Destruction
Lv.10 Path of Destruction
Lv.11 Pyroclasmic Rebirth
Lv.12 Ignite
Lv.13 Ignite
Lv.14 Ignite
Lv.15 Attribute Bonus
Lv.16 Pyroclasmic Rebirth
Lv.17 – Lv.25 Attribute Bonus

Notes on the Skill Build

:: This build focuses on Path of Destruction spam to harass enemies and get last hits on creeps.
:: Ashes to Ashes is maxed first because each Path of Destruction costs 15% hp, which will need quick healing.

Skill Build #2 [Lane Pusher/Jungling/Creep Farmer]

Lv.1 Ashes to Ashes Lv.2 Path of Destruction
Lv.3 Ashes to Ashes
Lv.4 Ignite
Lv.5 Ashes to Ashes
Lv.6 Pyroclasmic Rebirth
Lv.7 Ashes to Ashes
Lv.8 Ignite
Lv.9 Ignite
Lv.10 Ignite
Lv.11 Pyroclasmic Rebirth
Lv.12 Path of Destruction
Lv.13 Path of Destruction
Lv.14 Path of Destruction
Lv.15 Attribute Bonus
Lv.16 Pyroclasmic Rebirth
Lv.17 – Lv.25 Attribute Bonus

Notes on the Skill Build
:: This build focuses more on Ignite, its wider radius of effect, and its capability to raise damage along with Amun-Ra's maximum hp.
:: Ignite is used to damage/finish creeps hit by Path of Destruction and slow any nearby enemy heroes
:: Ashes to Ashes is still maxed first due to Ignite's low cooldown which needs quick healing after spam.
:: This build is particularly useful against melee heroes.
:: For Jungling, it is highly recommended to raise Ignite to level 4 first and gain Helm of the Black Legion for better survivability.

Item Guide for Amun-Ra ::

Initial Items

Iron Buckler
Health Potion [2x]
Runes of the Blight
Laning Items

Steamboots :: for extra hp, attack and movement speed
Helm of the Black Legion :: for extra hp and hp regeneration
Shaman's Headdress :: for extra armor and defense against magic damage

Core Items

Mock of Brilliance :: to add more damage when chasing/charging at enemies with combo
Behemoth's Heart :: a staple item to get the hp regen flowing to spam skills
Spellshards :: increases skill damage and reduce skills' cooldown

Luxury Items

Daemonic Breastplate :: for more armor, armor reduction, and attack speed when it comes to manually deal with the fleeing enemies
Barrier Idol :: for more protection against magic damage, derived from Shaman's Headdress

Optional Items #1 [+attack]

Frostfield Plate :: for the third aoe attack in combo and +15 armor. Mind the mana usage
Frostwolf's Skull :: +30 strength, 200 hp, and slows a target enemy down for continual attack

Optional Items #2 [+defense]

Barbed Armor :: to counter high-dps heroes, especially ranged
Shrunken Head :: to protect against mass stunners and disablers
Null Stone :: to avoid any single-target deathblow/debuff
Sacrificial Stone :: more hp pool and hp regeneration, with extra charges for better effectiveness in experience/gold gain

Optional Items #3 [+utility]

Post Haste :: if you farm good, used to teleport between lanes and push the creeps using Path of Destruction and Ignite. Also to respond quickly to ganked allies who needs help.
Portal Key :: to be used in conjunction with Ignite, also used in escaping after going through objects via Path of Destruction
Symbol of Rage :: +25 strength and lifesteal, and not to be taken as core items in general situations, but can be useful when Amun-Ra need to fight a high-dps melee carry head on, combined with your hp regeneration and Ashes to Ashes' +attack speed. Also used to stall time for survivability until backup arrives, or until Path of Destruction available for a good escape.

Optional Items #4 [+extras]

Ward of Sight
Ward of Revelation
Bound Eye

Amun-Ra is a great farmer, thus buy the wards to support the rune spots and jungle.

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